The Hottest Hot Mess You Know

Is All About Self Love.



Hottest Hot Mess


TrixxStar ☆ Hottest Hot Mess ☆

I'm an eccentric queer creator who likes to live on the wild side of life. Access and learn about my Safe For Work and NSFW art here, support me, cop your TRIXXSTAR Merch, and keep up with me on my socials!


I am a 2 headed lesbian artist and porn starlet! I enjoy expressing myself through any medium of art that feels right at any given moment. I also enjoy expressing myself with my sexuality. I hope that by being vulnerable and sharing my sexual journey with the masses I will aid in destigmatizing sex, and help other people learn about and embrace their sexual selves. At 24 years old I have hopes of becoming a queer sex icon! Think Anna Nicole Smith, but Black, gay, and talented! Or like porn star Prince. I want to show my audience that I am a multidimensional being that holds several worlds within myself.

。+゚☆゚+。★。+゚☆゚+。My Art 。+゚☆゚+。★。+゚☆゚+。

Tune In.

I love to express myself via Music. I’m always learning and always growing. Click below to watch my debut music video or to stream my sophomore single release.